Bathroom Leakages – Causes and Solutions
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Bathroom Leakages – Causes and Solutions

Owning a property comes with maintenance expenses, especially when there are wet areas within a property. It is inevitable that these wet areas will start to develop water leakages one day. The most common wet areas are bathrooms, balconies, and sometimes even kitchen. Such leaks often occur when the house is old or when the waterproofing system has deteriorated or weakened. This is when your waterproofing vendor comes into the picture.

How do you identify water leakage symptoms? A leaking shower is often discovered by these following symptoms; damp/ wet carpet or timber flooring, swelled up plaster, peeling paint, cracked tiles and mold that develops adjacent to the shower area. These are all considered obvious signs that there might be a leak that needs to be fixed. Source of water leakages can be pretty straightforward to somewhat complex, thus it is important to immediately contact your waterproofing vendor and get the waterproofing vendor down for a check.

When looking for a waterproofing vendor, make sure that the waterproofing vendor is competent and experienced enough to solve your problems. Applying the wrong repair methods may not get the problem fixed, but may potentially complicate the problem as well. Not to mention more time and cost will be incurred, which is a situation where both the owner and waterproofing vendor do not wish to be in.

As your trusted waterproofing vendor, SWC Construction is committed to solve all your water leakages. One of the many repair methods that we often suggest is PU Injection Grouting. As suggested by the name of the method itself, High PU Injection Grouting is an injection of liquid grouting material into the structure under pressure. During the grouting process, fissures (an opening or line of breakage made by cracking or splitting in structures) and pores are filled with the grouting material, which subsequently hardens and connects the disintegrated surfaces. High PU Injection Grouting can help to fill the cracks fully as once the injection is administered; the foam expands to fill in the entire space of each crack. This fullness gives full coverage and protection from any water seepage.

Of course, the above-mentioned method is only one out of the many available methods. The secret lies within the skills and experience of the waterproofing vendor. Thus, we strongly emphasize on the importance of choosing the right waterproofing vendor.

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