Identifying the Signs and Sources of Roof Leaks
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Identifying the Signs and Sources of Roof Leaks

Roofs are a fundamental part of our homes as they shelter our interiors from rain or shine. Even though we hardly ever see or go onto the roof after the completion of our homes, it serves it purpose by protecting us every day. As Singapore faces plentiful rainfall throughout the year, our roofs are prone to being wet almost half the time. Therefore, we need to maintain our roofs every once in awhile to ensure that the structural integrity of the materials and waterproofing systems are in place.

If you find water stains that run across your ceiling or down your walls, it could very likely be traced back to a roof leaks. Another sign would be dirty or brownish water as the water contains residue from the litter on the roof. When such symptoms occur, it is vital that home owners call in a specialist immediately to prevent further damage to their home interiors. If left unchecked, roof leaks can lead to further damage to our walls, flooring and even electrical systems which will complicate matters and increase the repair costs!

Common Causes of roof leaks are:

  • Fallen debris that damage, penetrate or displace the roof shingles could compromise the integrity of the roof and might eventually lead to a leaking roof.
  • Skylights are becoming more common in today’s interior design of homes as they have a very modern and classy look and are aesthetically pleasing However, if the waterproofing systems applied at the joints are not done well or have worn off over time, leaking will very likely occur.
  • Plumbing vents and flashings that have become loose or displaced over time might also be potential points of entry for water.
  • Conjoining roof valley gutters between houses usually channel a larger volume of water compared to the other areas of the roof and can become compromised if the waterproofing is damaged or has worn off over time.

Simple water tests can be conducted by bringing up your garden hose and letting water run down areas of the roof to narrow down or identify which are the fault area. However, safety is of priority and conduct tests yourselves only if you are experienced or have adequate equipment such as harnesses. If not, it is advisable to engage a specialist to analyse the issue for you.

Here at SWC Construction, our technicians have over 20 years of experience and have a wide variety of exposure to the different sources of roof leaks such as R.C Roofing project done. To complement our years of experience, we also utilise our LeakDetect technology which aids us in narrowing down to the exact sources of leakages. This will not only prevent unnecessary repair works but also lower the potential costs involved.

If you have identified any of the mentioned signs or are already experiencing roof leaks, do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation or schedule a site visit for inspection!

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