Rooftop Waterproofing
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Rooftop Waterproofing

Rooftop waterproofing is the most important component of the roof as it serves the main function of keeping water out of the building. Roofs are not only to prevent leaking and damage related to water infiltration but also to offer great insulation. During rainstorms, water can accumulate on the roof and seep through roof cracks, damaging the building. You can prevent moisture damage to your commercial building or property from the roof, Whether the roof is an R.C roof, tiled roof, or metal roof, SWC Construction, repairs roof leaks both internal and externally, we provide a high-quality, safe waterproofing solution to the roof.

The rain in Singapore is light to heavy all year round since it is a tropical country. UV rays and other factors such as wind and rainfalls, and roofs lose their waterproofing ability over time. Roof cracks can develop into leaks and damage furniture and electrical appliances, weakening the walls and overall structure of the house. Most waterproofing solution is UV resistance and it helps to lower the temperature of the roof during direct sun exposure. With the extreme climate changes in Singapore, this is very helpful and could save on utility bills by reducing air conditioning costs.

Rooftop waterproofing can improve structure durability; an effective waterproofing solution helps save a good amount of money in the long term than the repair costs. Homeowners should never leave any water leakage area untreated.  Moisture that is building up will seep through the roof and to other parts of the structure, leading to more complications in the finding of the main leaking source to get them treated later.

Once water seeps into the wall, it leads to the formation of mould and mildew growth, which impact the indoor air. Constantly, it will bring health issues to the resident. Such as wheezing, eye infection, breathing problem, coughing, and skin irritation the more serious is prolonging asthmatic the old people and children.

Water seepage from the rooftop can also ruin the beauty of your interiors and furniture. Such as water stain marks, bubbled paint, peeling paint, mould and mildew growth, and the smell of odor in the room.


R.C Rooftop Leakage Repair

For RC roof

Reinforced concrete (RC) roof is a flat surface that is commonly used in Singapore houses and HDB Flats. As they are flat roofs, they are prone to collect puddles of water after rain. Due to its porous nature, the concrete expands and contracts, which may lead to cracks where water can seep through and make it prone to leakage.

Water ponding on a flat roof will cause deterioration because of variation in temperature between wet and dry areas of the roof. The accumulation of acids left by evaporating rain will cause a breakdown on the roof surface. This is one of the common causes of flat roof waterproofing failure. Once the waterproofing is laid, drying out of the structural slab will mostly take place from the underside of the deck. Any trapped moisture will form vapor and exert itself directly beneath the waterproofing membrane. If this vapor pressure is not released or vented, it will begin to form a blister on the membrane and residual dampness on the underside of the roof.


Tiled Rooftop Leakage

For Tiled roof

Tiled roofs are designed to let water slide down to the gutter due to their overlapping structure, water will not be collected on the surface. However, the forces of nature will eventually cause wear and tear on the roofs, creating cracks and damage that can cause the leak.


Metal Rooftop Leakage Solution

For metal roof

Metal roofs are commonly chosen because they are lightweight and easy to install and replace. However, they are prone to corrosion and rusting, due to the presence of water and oxygen, resulting in weakening the roof and leading to holes. With the smallest damage, water can seep through the roof and cause damage to the internal or even the concrete slab.

The property owner and homeowner are highly recommended to do a regular roof check to prevent damage to the roof. Identify the roof leak before the situation gets worsens and more repair costs will incur. A well-waterproofed roof should be able to discharge water quickly without ponding or stagnation. It is important to select the right waterproofing membrane, as the roof is constantly exposed to direct sunlight and rain, it is likely to experience tremendous thermal stress that will affect its physical properties and performance.

There are many waterproofing materials available to choose from for waterproofing the roof. Liquid-applied membranes proved to be a feasible, economical, and more environmentally friendly solution.

The waterproofing membrane is a thin layer of material that is water-tight, preventing water from seeping through. A waterproofing membrane is laid over the surface area in order to make it waterproof.


Liquid–applied membrane

Liquid–applied membranes are applied on-site in a liquid form which is allowed to set and form into water impermeable membrane. They are seamless, flexible, and easy to apply, maintain and repair. Professional supervision and installation are needed to ensure proper curing of concrete, consistent thickness, and uniform application. Liquid applied waterproofing membrane can be applied in multiple layers, which then will solidify when dry, creating a waterproof surface.

This is a high-performing fluid-applied, seamless, fills in cracks, gaps, and voids in substrate waterproofing for roofs, decks, and terraces. The range of products includes both spray and hand-applied. It provides durable, integrated composite waterproofing for waterproofing applications.

This waterproofing membrane is extremely flexible and adheres to the substrate, creating a homogeneous waterproofing later, perfectly fitted to the contours of the roofs, it has a rapid fast cure and excellent adhesion to all kinds of surfaces during the installation.  This is cost-effective, especially for roofs and roof repair projects. It extends the life cycle of old and leaking roofs without interruptions. Its high elasticity lowers the risk of roof failure in a cold climate and longer life expectancy. It is high UV resistance as well. It is vapor permeable and could enable trapped moisture to evaporate without causing any blistering.


Cementitious waterproofing

Cementitious waterproofing is a type of waterproofing that relies on cement which is a powder that consists of sand, organic and inorganic chemicals, and silica-based substances. The active ingredients are combined and cause a hydration reaction, creating a waterproof seal. This is an easy and popular choice of waterproofing in most places. Most professionals will just require to mix the cement product as per instructions provided by the manufacturer, add the cementitious coating and mix thoroughly.

Cementitious waterproofing products are utilized for various purposes, it provides a waterproof seal over concrete structures, such as foundation, walls, sidewalks, and walkways. It could also provide a durable watertight seal that will last for many years. This membrane treats water-retaining structures, concrete, and water treatment facilities.

The biggest advantage of the product is it offers an easy application. The disadvantage is it is lack of flexibility,

There are a few types of applications for waterproofing the rooftop such as liquid-applied membrane, torch-in membrane, bituminous membrane, and cementitious membrane. Regardless of which application you choose, most coating applications must be able to withstand the temperature changes and movement of the building structure. There are many unique types of waterproofing materials, some are more effective than others, but not all of the are equal. Therefore, take some time to work out with a professional waterproofing contractor to find out which ones are going to be effective and work best for your individual project or home requirements.


Contact us now to know what is the best waterproofing solution we could provide to repair and protect your rooftop.

SWC Construction is a trusted and experienced waterproofing specialist company to ensure that your roof will be free from any leakage. We offer many options and procedures for roof waterproofing solutions.

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