Bathroom Leakage Reasons
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Bathroom Leakage Reasons

Bathroom leakage can be due to inadequate surface preparation, insufficient time for flooring screed and coatings to cure properly, as well as poor drainage that can lead to stagnant pools of water that may penetrate the slab over time. These are some of bathroom leakage reasons that is affecting your everyday life.


In today’s strange weather and climate, especially in a tropical country like Singapore, waterproofing is the peace of mind we all need. Bathroom is among the wettest areas in your home and requires the highest level of water-tightness. At almost all times of the day, it is filled with water droplets, steam and moisture. From your shower floor to your shower walls, all surfaces are exposed to a tremendous amount of water. More than any other place in your home, your bathroom’s waterproofing handiwork is at a premium.


Waterproofing is a moisture-proof barrier, around walls, floors and fittings in your bathroom that protects the internal skeleton of the house. A house’s structure is often built to withstand many different environmental conditions, but water can unfortunately damage it and for this reason you will need to safeguard against any moisture leakage. Once water seeps past, it creates a damp and humid environment behind the surfaces. coupled with the lack of sunlight, a perfect environment for mould is created. In turn, the mould eats away the materials such as paint, tile adhesives and grout. Over time, the amount of damage to these materials increases and thus compromises your bathroom leakage reason.


bathroom leakage reason in singapore

Grout is technically a type of cement that is used between tiles to keep them in place, this makes it a relatively porous component of your bathroom’s floor. It relies on the grout sealing to waterproof the floor and prevent leakages. However, over time as dirt enters the grout and traps moisture in it, grout will begin to crack. This in turn allows for a higher rate of water penetration that wears down the grout sealing. To prevent such, replacement of old discoloured or cracked grout needs to be done on a regular basis. Not only does water leakage damage your bathroom’s materials, it also affects all parts of your home. This occurs as water is a highly mobile substance and can travel as moisture or vapour through the pores of materials and thus end up at a different part of your home. Once leaks spill into your home’s visible spaces, many hazards also emerge. Firstly, water can damage your furniture or furnishings in your home. Therefore, it is important that you cover all items with a waterproofed tarp or moved them out of the space. At the same time, we also recommend that you use pails to gather leaking water in order to prevent further diffusion. We can’t emphasis more on the reasons why your bathroom is leaking. Secondly, you should be weary of any electrical appliances or circuitry in the space. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity. When in contact with the circuit, it allows for a short circuit to occur. In the best of scenarios, your circuit breaker will trip to save the circuit. However, there is also a real possibility of an electric fire breaking out. Simultaneously, your family members are at risk of being shocked if they come in contact with the water.


Identifying the most suitable repair method for your case will require an experienced contractor to survey and properly assess your specific situation, before recommending you the most cost-effective repair method. If you have observed any other toilet leakage symptoms in your home, do contact us immediately and we will be able to advise you accordingly with our trained staff with years of leakage repair experience to prevent you from facing these bathroom leakage reason.

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