Polyurethane (PU) Injection Grouting VS Hacking Method
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Polyurethane (PU) Injection Grouting VS Hacking Method

Injection Grouting is a new-century waterproofing technology that does not require any massive hacking to carry out waterproofing repair works. Injection grouting is the method of filling the cracks, open joints, voids, or honeycombs, in concrete or masonry structures. This is carried out with a high-pressure injection with appropriate grout material that cures in place to produce the desired results that strengthen the structure and prevent water ingress.


Grouting VS Hacking


The most common form of grouting method is injection grouting, which involves filling open voids. Filling up the cracks with injection grout helps to provide waterproofing and corrosion protection for the structure.

Cracks on the concrete wall and ceiling are a common problem in Singapore due to natural and climate changes. Untreated leaks can result in significant damage to your home and also your family members’ health concerns from mold and mildew growth.


There are many ways to fix water leakage. The best and ideal waterproofing solution is injection grouting.

SWC construction highly recommends using Polyurethane (PU) Injection Grouting. This is a waterproofing technique that injects polyurethane, a fluid resin, to stop water leakage through cracks or gaps in the concrete wall and ceiling of the building structure.

PU Grouting seals as tiny as hairline cracks to prevent further leakage, and the resin retains its flexibility after injection, allowing subsequent movement in the structure while keeping the gaps sealed.

When the structure is not well-maintained, cracks will appear due to wear and tear that happens as the structure and building age. This is common on areas like roofs, balconies, and other damp areas exposed to water and humidity.


We have understudied Polyurethane (PU) Injection grouting and provide a detailed explanation and analysis of its advantage of using this as our best waterproofing method for all our projects in industrial, commercial, and residential waterproofing. The progress requires experience and well-trained technicians to carry out the work.

PU Injection grouting is a completely hassle-free, cost-effective, and mess-free method vs. hacking the area in order to do waterproofing. Polyurethane (PU) Grouting vs Hacking Waterproofing Method advantages and disadvantages comparison allow you to understand the benefits of using Injection grouting.


The key points are as follows:

1. No hacking

There is no hacking of the floor or walls because it only required drilling holes into the affected area and injecting polyurethane/resin into cracks in concrete. It is a non-invasive method of waterproofing repair.

Hacking will result in the dust during the process. Family members are unable to use the bathroom for the week(s) or more during the installation of new waterproofing. Furthermore, this process may even be required you to arrange alternative accommodation for your family members during the process of work


2. Noise and disturbance

Constant noise while hacking will cause unpleasant disturbance to neighbourhood for hours and days and weeks of work.


3. Cost effective

The hacking method requires replacing tiles and wall paint, piping fitting and toilet fixture, and fittings such as shower fixtures, toilet bowls, and basins.

Source and selecting the above could take time to get all in place. This is also one of the reasons for the longer duration of the work. Installing them is also more labor-intensive which will cost more.

Injection grouting is more affordable than going through the whole progress of hacking and waterproofing the area to stop the leakage.


4. Fast and effective

PU Injection requires one or two days to carry out the repair work for 1 toilet compared to the week(s) of hacking, waterproofing and retiling, and fixture fittings installation.


There are other types of Injection grouting in the waterproofing industries, such as cementitious grouts, Epoxy grouts, Acrylic grouts, and Polyurethane grouts. They all have different properties although they all work as injection grouting.

Cementitious grouts are the traditional grouting materials, it is composed of cement and water with additives. Such grout will result in staining the surface in a long run.

Epoxy grouts contain resins and hardeners, making them less porous than cementitious grouts. Such grout does not bond well on a wet surface but it is adhesive to metal, concrete, and ceramics. Such grout works well in acids and greases area such as kitchens because it is strong and resistant to chemicals.

Acrylic grouts form a permanent gel, with low adhesive and compressive strength although it is high tear resistance. Such grouting is usually used for architectural coatings and product finishes.



The hacking method is only used as the last resort for homeowners and business owners for their premises to avoid all the disadvantages.

SWC Construction is an established and trusted waterproofing specialist who can help you in identify the actual sources and provide a professionally tested and proven waterproofing solution to resolve the leakage problems. We are a reliable waterproofing company that delivers high-quality service. We have good feedback and review and good testimony of our workmanship and service.

Rectify the leak issue before it causes further damage to your home. If you are still unsure about Injection grouting drop us a message/contact us for a free consultation to find out and allow us to provide you with a non-obligation consultation to carry out the waterproofing repair work using the Injection grouting method.

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