Water Leakage Thermal Imaging
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Water leakage thermal Imaging

Water Leakage Thermal Imaging

Water leakage thermal Imaging cameras are handheld non-contact devices used to capture detailed images in low-light and hard-to-see environments such as concrete walls. It is detecting infrared heat and converting into an image. Thermal cameras are used for troubleshooting and identifying potential leak areas. This water leakage thermal imaging camera is a useful technology to enable detection in a wide range of applications. SWC Construction is using this technology, to detect leaks in bathrooms, roofs, ceilings, balconies, and all concrete surfaces.

Water leakage thermal Imager is the latest technology to detect water leakage more efficiently. A water leakage thermal imager recognizes and determines emissivity and reflects the temperature of a surface being examined in the imager. This makes the evaluation of detecting wall moisture easier than ever.

Water leakage thermal Imaging cameras are point-and-shoot devices that enable to see the real-time infrared spectrum, interpreting temperature as colour. Warmer areas appear red and yellow, and cooler areas as purple or blue. With such, we will be able to identify the moisture and temperature in the wall. The device will convert the heat and use the captured data to create images. Thermal imagines will be stored and processed through dedicated software for evaluation.

Thermal imaging waterproofing software can create and shares a report of the captured area by thermal scanning the area to allow better analyzing of the condition captured.

In some cases, hidden water leakage or seepage issues can be difficult to identify, they will become more complex and cause serious damage, and even affect the structural integrity of a home or a building. Using this water leakage thermal imaging camera can be easily identified with the temperature changes of a wall or structure. Water leakage thermal imagers can expose these hot and cold spots, as the surface of the wall will have a different surface temperature compared to the rest of the wall.  Once leak points are realized, we can take the right action and solution to fix up the leakage. Similar to another concept which consumer are talking about which would be thermal imaging polyurethane injection grouting. The waterproofing repair will more effective, and cost-efficient, saving time, instead of doing troubleshooting to stop the water seepage.

Water leak can be complicated to resolve without the above technologies, water travel through tiny spores and crack-line in the concrete slab which is unidentified by human eyes. Always perform water leakage thermal checks which we have covered in more details in the next article.

SWC Construction uses the latest technologies to resolve and detect all water leakage and diagnose the source of water ingress accurately. Enquire now, to understand how our water leak detection and report could highly benefit you to resolve water leaks in the house or the building.

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