Waterproof Balcony Coating
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Waterproof Balcony Coating

Waterproof Balcony Coating

Balcony surfaces are covered with a layer of waterproofed material to guard the substance. The balcony can serve various purposes depending on personal preferences and the design of the building. Balconies provide a small outdoor area for relaxation, socializing, and enjoying fresh air. They can be furnished with seating arrangements, tables, plants, and décor to create a cozy and inviting space to enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding area. It could also be an excellent space for indoor gardening to grow potted plants, flowers, herbs, or even a small vegetable garden.

Waterproofing is crucial for balconies to protect any area underneath the balcony from persistent water ingress, water damage, and leakage. There are some points to prepare for waterproofing the balconies.

  1. Surface preparation

The surface of the balcony needs to be properly cleaned to remove dirt, dust, grease, and any loose particles before applying waterproofing materials. Existing coatings or sealants should be removed to ensure proper adhesion of the waterproofing layer.


  1. Repair cracks and gaps

Any cracks, gaps, or damaged areas on the balcony surface should be repaired before waterproofing the surface. Fill the cracks with an appropriate filler or patching seal and make the surface smooth and even.


  1. Sealing Joints and connections

Special attention should be given to sealing joints, connections, and areas where the balcony meets the building structure. These vulnerable points are prone to water penetration. Use a waterproofing sealant or caulk to seal any gaps and create a watertight barrier.


  1. Primer

Apply primer to improve the adhesion of the waterproofing material to the surface. The primer acts as a bonding agent, ensuring that the waterproofing layer adheres securely to the balcony.


  1. Waterproofing membrane

The main component of balcony waterproofing is the waterproofing membrane. There are different membranes, such as liquid-applied membranes, sheet membranes, or self-adhesive membranes. The membrane is applied over the entire surface of the balcony, extending up the walls and any vertical surfaces.


Signs of water damage

Waterproofing is important on the balcony. The process required as much attention to detail as tiling and grouting. Leaking balcony repairs are a hassle for all homeowners. Water damage in a balcony can vary depending on the extent and duration of the issue. Let us share some common signs to look out for:

  1. Cracks or deterioration

Water damage can cause cracks, fissures, or general deterioration in the balcony surface, such as in concrete, tiles, or grout lines. Look for visible signs of wear and tear.


  1. Efflorescence

Efflorescence refers to white, powdery deposits that appear on the surface of materials like concrete or masonry. It occurs when water evaporates and leaves behind mineral deposits. If you notice efflorescence on your balcony, it could be a sign of water infiltration.


  1. Stains or discoloration

Water damage can lead to stains or discoloration on the balcony surface or nearby walls. Look for patches of dark or discolored areas that may indicate water penetration.


  1. Peeling or bubbling paint

If the balcony is painted, water damage can cause the paint to peel, bubble, or blister. This is often a result of moisture getting trapped beneath the paint layer.


  1. Mold or mildew growth

Excessive moisture can create a favorable environment for mold and mildew growth. Check for any signs of black or greenish patches on the balcony surface, walls, or nearby areas.


  1. Rot or decay

If your balcony is made of wood, water damage can cause rot or decay. Inspect the wooden components for softness, crumbling, or signs of structural weakness.


  1. Damp or musty odor

Persistent moisture can lead to a damp or musty smell in and around the balcony area. Pay attention to any unusual odors that may indicate water-related issues.


  1. Water pooling or leakage

Observe the balcony during or after rainfall to check for any pooling water or visible leaks. Puddles or water seepage are clear signs of water infiltration.


When you notice any of the above signs of water damage on your balcony, it is important to address the issue promptly. Water damage can compromise the structural integrity of the balcony and lead to further problems if left untreated.


The choice of method depends on various factors such as the balcony’s construction, materials used, and the severity of waterproofing required. Here are some commonly used waterproofing for balconies.


Types of waterproofing for balcony

  1. Liquid waterproofing membrane

Apply liquid membrane directly onto the surface of the balcony. The liquid dries to form a seamless, flexible, and waterproof coating. These are typically rolled, brushed, or sprayed onto the surface and then cured to form a seamless waterproofing layer.


  1. Sheet membrane waterproofing

Sheet membranes are pre-fabricated waterproofing membranes that are applied to the surface of the balcony. They are typically made of materials like modified bitumen or PVC and are either self-adhesive or required an adhesive for installation.


  1. Cementitious waterproofing

It involves applying a cement-based coating to the surface of the balcony. It forms a rigid, durable, and waterproof layer when it cures.


  1. Polyurethane waterproofing

Polyurethane (PU) waterproofing uses a liquid-applied polyurethane coating that cures to form a flexible and durable waterproof. It can be applied to various balcony surfaces, including concrete, wood, and metal.


  1. Acrylic waterproofing

These waterproofing coatings are water-based and provide a protective layer that is resistant to UV radiation and weathering. They can be applied as a liquid or with a roller or brush.


  1. Bituminous membrane waterproofing

They are torch-applied or self-adhesive, commonly used for waterproofing flat roofs and balconies. The membranes are made of asphalt or modified bitumen.


The suitability of each type of waterproofing method depends on factors such as climate, balcony design, and maintenance requirements. It is recommended to consult a professional waterproofing contractor, SWC Construction, to assess the specific needs of your balcony and determine the most appropriate waterproofing solution.

There are several other waterproofing solutions in Singapore. The most common waterproofing membrane and methods for waterproofing are Cementitious waterproofing membranes, Bituminous waterproofing membranes, Clear penetrative waterproofing membranes (CPT), and modern Polyurethane (PU) waterproofing membranes.

SWC Construction is approved and registered by the Building & Construction Authority (BCA) of Singapore as a waterproofing contractor. We are proudly Bizsafe-certified to provide the best solution to resolve your leakage issue in residential balconies. We provide onsite consultation to understand your requirement to help and solve your water leaking issues.

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