High Pressure Polyurethane Injection Grouting and Polyurethane-Based Waterproofing Sealants @ Lentor Place

PR - 13A Lentor Place 2
PR - 13A Lentor Place 8
PR - 13A Lentor Place 4
PR - 13A Lentor Place 6
PR - 13A Lentor Place 7
PR - 13A Lentor Place 5
PR - 13A Lentor Place 3

Works involved:
High Pressure PU Injection Grouting and High Pressure Polyurethane Injection Grouting and Polyurethane-Based Waterproofing Sealants
SWC Construction was engaged by client to:
- Hack and remove existing waterproofing at Level 2 external area and apply one coat of primer followed by two coats of water-based polyurethane modified elastomeric waterproofing membrane onto floor and kerb’s surfaces before filling up with waterproofing cement screed to level with the kerb’s height
- Hack “V” grooves onto existing wall cracks on dividing wall (entire stretch from front till back of the house) and apply 2 coats of acrylic waterproofing membrane before making good with cement mortar
- Carry out high pressure polyurethane injection grouting to Level 2 front balcony’s external wall cracks to properly seal up cracks and joints to stop water ingress into bedroom wall
- Carry out high pressure polyurethane injection grouting to Level 3 master bedroom’s floor parquet water seepage areas near sliding door to properly seal up cracks and joints to stop water seepage
- Hack and remove existing waterproofing at R.C. flat rooftop before applying one coat of primer followed by two coats of water-based polyurethane modified elastomeric waterproofing membrane onto floor and kerb’s surfaces before laying 25mm thick waterproofing cement screed on top
- Apply polyurethane-based waterproofing sealants to glass skylight and flashings