Waterproofing Specialist Contractors
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Waterproofing Specialist Contractors

There are many contractors who claim that they are waterproofing specialist contractors or water leakage specialists but are they really? Waterproofing is a highly complex job which requires the contractor to understand structures of a building, properties of concrete, the effects of weather on different waterproofing systems and more. When selecting a waterproofing contractor to solve your water leakage or water seepage problems, you must find a professional contractor for the job.

waterproofing specialist contractors

1. Credentials and Testimonies

Prior to hiring a waterproofing specialist contractor for the waterproofing job, you must assess the contractor’s credentials and his customers’ testimonies of his services. In Singapore, there are many accreditation boards to acknowledge the effectiveness and credibility of a contractor. Look out for such accreditations when hiring a waterproofing specialist contractor. Furthermore, you can also get an idea of the contractor’s reliability and effectiveness from the past reviews of his clients. A good waterproofing specialist contractor should have sufficient accreditations and good reviews from his clients.

Authentic waterproofing

2. Test the contractor to get a feel of his knowledge

As mentioned, waterproofing is a highly complex job which requires the contractor to be specialized and have a deep understanding of the job. Put the waterproofing specialist contractor to a test during site inspection to ascertain if he truly has good knowledge and understanding of the different waterproofing systems, suitability of each systems for your usage and the best method of repair to be used at your house. A well trained and professional waterproofing contractor will be able to share his expertise and knowledge with you professionally and you should be able to understand his explanations relatively easily.

Money back waterproofing warranty

3. Ask for warranty from the contractor

All waterproofing specialist contractors will provide warranty for the job done, this is an indication of his confidence in resolving the problem or ensuring that there will not be any more water leakages happening in the future. If the waterproofing specialist contractor refuses to provide a warranty for the job, he is uncertain of what he is dealing with and you should not engage him for the job.

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